DIY Easter Crafts

Ok I’m super late to the party doing an Easter post, but that’s what I’ve made most recently, so I’m writing about it dang it. I was feeling pretty bad about not writing a post in a while, but really I’ve only missed March, so it’s not been THAT long. A lot has happened since I posted last, too. I mean, a lot.

[update - it’s July. Almost August. I never posted this, because we got so busy with packing and moving to get the house on the market. More on that in the next post. Gonna try to wrap this up and actually post it.]

  • Had a baby. Emma. She’s amazing. She was born on my birthday (2/21), and was 9lbs 4oz, 21’.

  • A worldwide pandemic happened, which meant our nanny couldn’t come to work because her son’s school was closed. Hello chasing a toddler and holding a newborn. Also hello amazing husband and partner that I literally could not live without.

  • We bought a house.

  • We listed our house (getting a house ready to list is on my list of not-fun things, btw).

  • I got a promotion and a new role at work.

In the meantime, I’ve been trying to still craft and make things with Mary. This month we made a bunch of Easter stuff (bc Easter). My favorite memories of Easter are of coloring boiled eggs with my mom and friends, Easter baskets (chocolate, duh), and of course, Easter egg hunts. I want all of that for my girls, and we’re starting early.

Craft 1: Easter Bunny Plate

This was something I found while looking at Michael’s Easter basket goodies. They sent 100 Easter projects as a link, and this was one of them. They had a kit you could buy, but I knew we could do it on our own. We used stick glue, cotton balls, pipe cleaners, glue, some foam for the ears/eyes/nose/cheeks, some fake flowers for embellishment, and a paper plate. Might not be quite as cute as Michael’s version (left), but Mary sure had fun doing it, and she showed it to everyone she could. That’s a win in my book.


Craft 2: Toilet Paper Tube Bunny

This was another one that Mary got a huge kick out of. She carried it around like one of her stuffed animals until it basically fell apart. I was looking for a craft to do with a toilet paper tube, and found this:

Super cute, super easy. Basically just cut out a piece of cardstock to wrap around it, and then added the bunny details. I let Mary put stickers on it, so she felt like she helped make it, and it must’ve worked, because she told everyone she did it. Another win!

I don’t have a better picture, but I pretty much just used cardstock, googley eyes, and a pen.


Craft 3: Easter Baskets

I loved this one. I found Easter baskets on Amazon, and then used my Cricut and some iron-on vinyl to add their names to them. That’s it, other than stuffing them full of goodies! Mary pretty much got 2 Easter baskets since she got to open Emma’s, so it was double-Easter for her! We put a trail of eggs all the way from her room, around the living room, and to the baskets, and she had a great time following them.


Craft 4: Easter Eggs

I mean, duh. Easter eggs. I used the old tried and true vinegar and food coloring method (look it up on Pinterest, there are “recipes” all over), and Mary had a blast doing this with me. She spilled the orange liquid all over the counter, but other than that, we did pretty well mess-wise. I let her pick the color she wanted the eggs to be, and would dunk them and pull them out for her - she got fancy with a couple, and wanted two different color dunks, so some were “special”. Once they were made, she asked me about 20 times a day to “see the Easter eggs” in the fridge. Even months later, when they were long gone.

Maybe my family is weird, but we used to hide these with the rest of the plastic candy/toy-filled Easter eggs. During the hunt, you’d find a boiled egg sometimes, and it was either, “aww man!” or, “well, I’m hungry, guess I’ll eat it.” If that’s not what you do with them, then why color them? I ended up eating most of these over time, but threw some away. I’m hiding them for the hunt next year though, dangit.
