The First Post

Dad Always Said I Was Good at Arts & Crafts

I'm from Austin, TX. Well...not really Austin. Nearby. I don't usually claim my smalltown hometown, and I'm not making an exception today (it's Manor). Aaaaanyway, growing up, my favorite activities were always the ones that involved arts & crafts. Making things with my hands has always been my favorite pastime (along with puzzles/puzzle games). There's something about the feeling of accomplishment you have when you step back and look at something and say "wow. I made that." My dad always says "Dotti was always good at arts & crafts". They say to do what you love, and it won't feel like work. Well I always said "that's nice, but in reality, we also have to pay bills." I have a job that pays the bills, but it definitely feels like work. I've decided it's time to make moves towards making the thing I love pay the bills, and that's crafting.  

My definition of crafting is pretty broad. Painting, home improvement projects, antique window crafts, furniture projects, home decor, small automotive projects, etc. Anything that lets me use my hands to build/create, and anything that challenges my mind to make something new. 

I've wanted to run some kind of arts & crafts business ever since I can remember. It's been my dream as long as I could dream. Life took a different route for a while though, and I currently work in an office building doing stuff with data and analytics. Not that I'm complaining, I met my wonderful husband and have my wonderful daughter thanks to this job, and it does support a comfortable lifestyle. We're busy people though - I get to craft on the side in my "spare time", but not nearly as much as I would like. During my maternity leave with Mary, I had a lot of time again to craft, and it was one of the happiest times I can remember (besides my amazing wedding road trip, which maybe I'll write about one day). I got to spend time with her when she was awake, and craft when she was asleep, and it was glorious. I can't wait until she's old enough to make things with me (she's 8 months right now).

Now that I'm back to work, all I can think about is my craft store dream again. I'll get there, but it'll take time - I'm patient. In the meantime, I'm going to start this blog, and write how-tos for the few crafts I can squeeze in. Who knows, maybe it'll give me a reason to find time to craft more often. My daughter Mary might make a few cameos, and hopefully one day she'll be my little helper. You'll probably meet my amazing husband Ray along the way as well. 

I'm not going to divulge my whole craft business plan, but I think it's a good one! One step at a time - I'm building my website now, and will start adding content to the blog first. I plan to sell a few things that I make as well, so I'll get some practice at the store. I'll post updates along the way as well as how-tos. 

If you're reading this, thank you! Here we go!