Jean and Cristie’s Service FAQ
When/Where is the service?
The service is at 2pm on June 13th at Kerrville Funeral Home.
The address is 1221 Junction Hwy, Kerrville TX. 78028.
Where should I fly in?
San Antonio International Airport.
Where should I stay?
We recommend staying in Kerrville, but you have a lot of great options: San Antonio, Fredericksburg, and Boerne to name a few.
While you’re in Texas, we’d love it if you saw some local sights. Check out Trip Advisor for fun things to do in the area, and head over to travel sites like like Expedia, Kayak, VRBO, or Air B&B to find lodging that works for you.
How do I get around?
Rent a car. Taxis, uber, etc, are not viable options to get you from the airport to your lodging, or to Kerrville for the service.
Expedia and Kayak can both help you find a hotel and a car in one go, but you can also rent directly from car rental sites like Budget or Enterprise.
What if I have more questions?
Feel free to call/text Dotti at 512-970-5310. If she doesn’t answer, leave a message and she’ll call you back as soon as she’s able.